Md Khairul Alam Taifur Apps

Bluetooth Robot Control 1.0
This is an app for controlling any robot carover bluetooth. You can control your robot by button, voice oraccelerometer sensor. This application sent:1 for forward,2 for backward,3 for right,4 for left5 for stop.So program your robot considering this.
University of Asia Pacific 1.0
This is an unofficial application. Universityof Asia Pacific authority is not responsible for any wronginformation if found on the application.If you found any wrong information please contact:[email protected] will correct it as early as possible.I hope this application will be helpful for student.
Arduino Robot Controller 1.0
By this app you can control any robotcarremotely over Bluetooth.If you need arduino code e-mail [email protected].
Programming in C 3.1
This book is written for the student oftheUniversity of Asia Pacific, Department of Electrical&Electronic Engineering.